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5 consigli per tagliare gli artigli del tuo gatto

 di michele il 28 giu 2014 |
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A meno che tu non abbia un gatto all'aperto che richiede i suoi artigli per autodifesa, è meglio tenere gli artigli del tuo gatto tagliati ogni due o tre settimane. Ciò eviterà lesioni causate da artigli intrappolati in tappeti, vestiti e altri tessuti. Sarà anche kee ...

4 modi per dare una pillola al tuo gatto

 di michelle il 28 giu 2014 |
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Administering pills to your cat may be easy for some, but for many it’s a daily struggle. Thankfully, there are several ...

12 modi per prendersi cura dei piccoli cani

 di jaime il 28 giu 2014 |
Tiny dogs are becoming increasingly popular particularly among urban city dwellers, people who live in apartments or tho...

Dolcetti del cane di pollo dei morsi carnosi di dipendenza

 di michelle il 27 giu 2014 |
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Just as you might enroll your child in daycare, you can also do the same for your dog. Although the reasons for enrolling are a little different, the concept is the same: You drop your dog off in the morning where he gets to play, socialize with othe...

Come: aiutare un gatto stressato e troppo curato

 di jaime il 26 giu 2014 |
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Many cats appear to be pretty cool customers, but that doesn't mean they are exempt from stress and anxiety. If stress b...

Animali domestici e anziani: tutto ciò che devi sapere

 di jaime il 26 giu 2014 |
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Many of us know that bringing a pet into your life can be a wonderfully loving and enriching experience. As we grow olde...

Come: fermare il tuo gattino masticando la tua casa

 di danielle il 24 giu 2014 |
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Many kitten owners have found their new fuzzy family member loves to chew just as much as a puppy. Unfortunately cats seem drawn to sinking their teeth into things like electrical wires, houseplants and other household items which is not only frustra...

Condividi il tuo codice di invito con gli amici

 di danielle il 24 giu 2014 |
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Whilst we humans love chocolate as a snack, we know it is a bad idea to feed it to dogs. Of course, often dogs are convi...

4 consigli su come dare il tuo collirio Cat

 di danielle il 25 giu 2014 |
Giving cats eye drops is most people’s idea of a nightmare. Our feline friends aren’t generally keen on being restrained...

Qual è la giusta quantità di esercizio per il tuo animale domestico?

 di simone il 25 giu 2014 |
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Exercise is as good for our pets as it is for us - and for the very same reasons. Daily exercise will help maintain a healthy weight, tone and strengthen muscles, lower stress, improve circulation, keep joints mobile, keep the mind active as well as ...
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