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Come: far fronte alla perdita di un animale domestico

 di jaime il 04 lug 2014 |
Pets touch our lives and our hearts in ways that some people will never fully understand. The reality is, as pet owners, a dog or cat's lifespan is no match for a humans so we stand to potentially loose a number of pets in the course of our own life....

Va bene giocare a combattere con il tuo cane?

 di michelle il 03 lug 2014 |
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Many dog owners, especially those with larger breeds, like to play fight with their dogs. It can be lots of fun, but als...

Assicurazione per animali domestici: è la scelta giusta per te?

 di jaime il 02 lug 2014 |
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We often take out insurance for our home and contents, for our cars, when we go on holidays and to cover our own medical...

Parvo: cos'è e come fermarlo nelle sue tracce

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
What is it? Canine parvovirus is a seriously nasty dog disease. First described in the 1970s, parvo results in death in 91% of untreated cases. The disease works by attacking and destroying cells in regions such as the stomach and intestines, with...

11 consigli per mantenere i cani al sicuro in macchina

 di simone il 01 lug 2014 |
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Dogs love being with their humans and humans love being with their dogs. That means that dogs also ride in cars but ther...

Gatti e fauna selvatica: come impedire al tuo gatto di essere un assassino

 di simone il 02 lug 2014 |
We think of our cats as adorable and cuddly but the truth is that they are natural predators, experts at hunting birds a...

da lucy il 09 feb 2017 |

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
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Would you drink from a glass of water that had been sitting outside for a week? Or a cup that hadn’t been washed in a month? Dog bowls need to be kept clean just as much as our bowls, with unwashed bowls becoming a brew of bacteria and other nasties ...

Trasferimento all'estero con il tuo animale domestico: cosa devi sapere

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
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Moving overseas requires a lot of organisation and can be an anxious time for pets who don’t quite understand what is ha...

Tutto sui veterinari olistici

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
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Alternative medicine, such as acupuncture, herbal remedies, massage therapy, homeopathy and chiropractic services, have ...

I 15 cani più impopolari del mondo

 di jaime il 29 giu 2014 |
Adoriamo tutti un Labrador e siamo incredibilmente affezionati a un Jack Russel, ma per quanto riguarda le razze impopolari di cani nel mondo. Per colpa loro, le seguenti razze non sono comuni tra i proprietari di animali domestici - alcuni anche sull'orlo dell'estinzione ...
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