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Come: fermare il tuo gattino masticando la tua casa

 di danielle il 24 giu 2014 |
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Many kitten owners have found their new fuzzy family member loves to chew just as much as a puppy. Unfortunately cats seem drawn to sinking their teeth into things like electrical wires, houseplants and other household items which is not only frustra...

Condividi il tuo codice di invito con gli amici

 di danielle il 24 giu 2014 |
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Whilst we humans love chocolate as a snack, we know it is a bad idea to feed it to dogs. Of course, often dogs are convi...

4 consigli su come dare il tuo collirio Cat

 di danielle il 25 giu 2014 |
Giving cats eye drops is most people’s idea of a nightmare. Our feline friends aren’t generally keen on being restrained...

Qual è la giusta quantità di esercizio per il tuo animale domestico?

 di simone il 25 giu 2014 |
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Exercise is as good for our pets as it is for us - and for the very same reasons. Daily exercise will help maintain a healthy weight, tone and strengthen muscles, lower stress, improve circulation, keep joints mobile, keep the mind active as well as ...

Accogliere grandi razze: è questo il cane giusto per te?

 di simone il 26 giu 2014 |
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Dogs are the most loving, fun, loyal and best to cuddle of all pets. By applying mathematical theory, it follows that th...

Alimentazione grezza: il buono, il brutto e il cattivo

 di jaime il 23 giu 2014 |
Dog owners in the 21st century have become very passionate about the food they feed their dog. For decades now dogs have...

5 segni da tenere d'occhio nella cacca del tuo cane

 di jaime il 24 giu 2014 |
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Numerose conversazioni possono mettere a disagio l'individuo medio. Quando si tratta di problemi di salute, molte persone evitano la conversazione sulle feci e su ciò che dice sulla loro salute. La stessa conversazione può e dovrebbe essere presa in considerazione ...

Articoli per la casa che sono dannosi per i gatti

 di jaime il 23 giu 2014 |
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Cats have a reputation for being very low-maintenance pets-and in some ways, that reputation is well deserved. Still, ju...

Vermi intestinali negli animali domestici

 di jaime il 29 giu 2014 |
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Dogs and cats are prone to several types of intestinal worms. The most common of these intestinal parasites are roundwor...

Programma di trattamento: a seguito di una singola somministrazione, il medicinale veterinario previene ulteriori infestazioni da pulci per 4 settimane.

 di jaime il 27 giu 2014 |
Ticks are tiny, blood-sucking parasites that attach to your pet. Ticks feed on the blood of their hosts and can transmit several infectious organisms to your pet. Pets that live in wooded areas are at an increased risk of a tick infestation. Dogs are...
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