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855 908 4010
Simparica Trio per Cani 44.1-88 libbre (20-40 kg) - Confezione da 6

Una compressa masticabile mensile che protegge il tuo cane da pulci, zecche, filaria, nematodi e anchilostomi.

Data di scadenza: 06/2026

Le compresse masticabili mensili aromatizzate Simparica Trio proteggono il tuo migliore amico da

  • pulci
  • zecche
  • heartworms
  • Render Widget_Live Help
  • anchilostomi.

È stato dimostrato che è sicuro per i cuccioli di appena 8 settimane di peso pari o superiore a 2.8 libbre (1.25 kg).

Ogni compressa contiene:

  • Sarolaner 48 mg
  • Moxidectina 0.96 mg
  • Pirantel 200 mg
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Domande e risposte (6)
Why don’t you need a prescription from your veterinarian? I thought there was no over-the-counter heartworm available. Is it different than the one you get from the veterinarian?
It is exactly the same product. We ship them from a country (Australia or Singapore) where these products are over the counter products.
Can this be bought without a prescription my dogs have been on this for sometime now
Yes you can buy this without a prescription.
I have two dogs. One is 3 !bs. and the other is 13 lbs. Do you have dosages,of symparaca trio for them? I can't find any different sized dosages on this site.
Yes, for your small dog you can buy this: and for the other one this:
Is this safe for a Rough Collie?
We would advise consulting with your local vet to advise which medication would be best suited for your dogs needs.
my dogs weight 70_75 lbs is this the right dose
If your dog weights 70 - 75 lbs, then this is the correct product.
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Steve Hughes
Simparica Trio gave my dog continuous diarrhea for 10 days with just one dose
Our vet prescribed Simparica Trio for our young Golden Retriever, & I trusted him. After the very first dose, our dog developed over 10 continuous days of diarrhea. Please read the massive list of side effects included with this "so called" wonder medicine before giving it to your dog! And diarrhea is not an uncommon side effect
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