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Filtrato per tag ("salute e benessere")

Gonfiore e dilatazione gastrica-volvolo (GDV)

 di jaime il 21 ago 2014 |
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  Bloat is when a dog's stomach fills with fluid, air or food. The bloated stomach then puts pressure on other organs, cause difficulty breathing and decreases the blood supply to a dog's vital organs. However bloat is also often commonly referred ...

Perché il tuo gatto sta vomitando

 di jaime il 21 ago 2014 |
  Just like humans, cats also experience the unpleasantness that is vomiting. Fortunately, vomiting doesn't always sign...

Dovresti portare a spasso il tuo cane ogni giorno?

 di jaime il 20 ago 2014 |
  We're often told that we need around 30 minutes a day of exercise to keep us healthy and our weight under control. At...

Igiene femminile (3)

 di simone il 19 ago 2014 |
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With the all knowledge of skin cancer and the dangers of malignant lumps, it's not surprising that any new or unusual growth on your pet’s skin causes concern. However, skin tags are quite common, particularly in older pets, and are generally nothing...

Come controllare l'assunzione di cibo per più gatti

 di michelle il 19 ago 2014 |
A large percentage of cat owners have more than one cat. This can complicate things in terms of food, especially if one ...

Sentinel Spectrum vs Sentinel

 di danielle il 19 ago 2014 |
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Some dogs seem to be able to eat just about anything and feel just fine, from garbage, to an unidentifiable dead thing t...

5 motivi per cui il tuo gatto sta tremando

 di danielle il 18 ago 2014 |
I gatti, come le persone, possono iniziare a tremare per scaldarsi. Potrebbe esserci un problema, tuttavia, se il tuo gatto sembra tremare e tremare continuamente senza alcun motivo apparente. 1. Ipoglicemia L'ipoglicemia, o ipoglicemia, è una causa comune di ...

Cani ed Eczema

 di danielle il 16 ago 2014 |
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Eczema is a symptom rather than a disease itself. It is a general term applied to the inflammation of the epidermis, or ...

Perché il mio gatto sta diventando calvo?

 di danielle il 16 ago 2014 |
Cats, like middle-aged men, can suffer from baldness. Thankfully, the condition is normally treatable depending on the s...

I gatti possono catturare l'influenza da noi?

 di danielle il 15 ago 2014 |
Pets often enjoy ‘supplementing’ their diet with things they find in the backyard. Cats have been known to taste-test slugs, with their owners asking afterwards if they need be worried if their feline’s unusual predilection for the slimy creatures pr...
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