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5 motivi per cui il tuo gatto sta tremando

 di danielle il 18 ago 2014 |
I gatti, come le persone, possono iniziare a tremare per scaldarsi. Potrebbe esserci un problema, tuttavia, se il tuo gatto sembra tremare e tremare continuamente senza alcun motivo apparente.
Gordon Setter Parasite Prevention
Yorkshire Terrier Parasite Prevention
Bassi livelli di zucchero nel sangue possono anche verificarsi quando un gatto soffre di problemi digestivi come vomito, diarrea o costipazione. Incoraggiare il gatto a mangiare in questo caso è anche la soluzione.
Otterhound Parasite Prevention

Bull Terrier Prevenzione dei parassiti
Un gatto con un'infezione avanzata che soffre di febbre alta può iniziare a tremare a causa dei "brividi". È una buona idea per i proprietari di gatti tenere a portata di mano un termometro per testare il proprio gatto se sospettano una malattia. Una temperatura superiore a 103.5 gradi Fahrenheit indica una febbre e che è necessario un viaggio dal veterinario.
Norwegian Elkhound Parasite Prevention
Proprio come una temperatura interna elevata può causare tremore in un gatto, così anche una temperatura interna ridotta può provocare brividi. I gatti adulti sani di solito possono regolare internamente i normali livelli di temperatura, tuttavia i gatti giovani e meno giovani possono avere difficoltà. Le coperte calde e le piastre riscaldanti quando fa freddo possono aiutare i gatti vulnerabili a stare bene.

4. Dolore
I gatti raramente esprimono molto apertamente quando soffrono, ma l'agitazione può essere un segno che stanno soffrendo a causa di un infortunio o di una malattia. Se sospetti che ciò possa accadere, porta immediatamente il tuo gatto a ricevere assistenza medica.

5. Stress
Un gatto stressato o ansioso può iniziare a tremare in modo incontrollato a causa di uno scoppio nervoso. I gatti sono animali sensibili e può essere difficile scoprire cosa li preoccupi esattamente. I cambiamenti nell'ambiente, per quanto innocui ci sembrino, possono scatenare angoscia nei gatti che prosperano nella prevedibilità. Nuovi mobili, la vista di un altro gatto che si aggira furtivamente nel vicinato che può vedere fuori dalla finestra o suoni dal cantiere della porta accanto possono tutti rendere un gatto infelice e tremare di angoscia.
Se riesci a rimuovere l'oggetto che disturba il tuo gatto, prova a farlo. Se è qualcosa come un nuovo divano a cui sei attaccato, o al di fuori del tuo controllo, come il rumore del vicinato, prova a fornire altri elementi confortanti per aiutarti a adattarti ai cambiamenti che lo turbano. Più letti a scomparsa in giro per la casa e posatoi su cui sedersi sono ottimi per alleviare lo stress del gatto, poiché i felini si sentono naturalmente più sicuri quando sono in alto o in grado di nascondersi in uno spazio buio lontano dal "pericolo".
Puntatore Parasite Prevention 
Credito immagine caratteristica


Shanza Anwar - Comment
Shanza Anwar16 agosto 2017Reply
My cat is 2 months old and he is shivering with his tongue out & his heartbeat is very fast
Isabelle Lugg - Comment
Isabelle Lugg16 agosto 2017Reply
That sounds bad all of them do
Leanne - Comment
Leanne23 settembre 2017Reply
My 9 year old tuxedo cat does the shivering thing also.
Erika - Comment
Erika23 ottobre 2017Reply
Hi. I have a cat called bubbles. He is 11 yrs old. For the last 6 months. I have notice he shakes even when holding him. It feels like a nerve shaking. My daughter also bought home two other cats. They dont seem to get along. So I tried for the two females to keep outside. While outside I bring my male Bubbles in. Or other way round. I love them all and I am a cat lover. I give them all unconditional love. But Bubbles is my no1. And he worries me, because lile I said. Concerned abouy his shaking. Then 3 weeks ago. He just ate then saw the other cat and it felt like he was joking and had like a fit. It looked like he was joking with his food. He has done thay twice. I am in the pension and going through hardship. If I am able to have the money will yake him to vet. But at the time I really need help as I am worried if he having heart attack. Please help me. Thank you Erika
Monica - Comment
Monica02 Nov 2017Reply
My 2 year old male cat is on all four but crouched and hes shaking. Is this something serious. I'm taking him to the vet Friday
Sthephanny - Comment
Sthephanny27 dicembre 2017Reply
Minha gatinha estar tremendo eu não sei se frio ou outra coisa
Amy Melvin  - Comment
Amy Melvin 06 marzo 2018Reply
My cat twyla is 2 years old n shaking and growling idk what's wrong with her
Dave - Comment
Dave04 maggio 2018Reply
Everyone should look into the docu-series truth about pet cancer. Commercial pet food is poison to animals. 50 years ago 1 in 100 dogs got cancer. today it is 1 in 1.65. Cats is 1 in 3 get cancer. Raw feeding just like they would in nature is what you want to do to prevent your pet from cancer.
Ava long - Comment
Ava long20 giugno 2018Reply
My cat Meeko is a 8 year old female, and every time a thunder storm brews she walks slower and lower to the ground and when I feel her she shakes almost like she is shivering. Is she cold? Is she afraid? Is she nervous? Let me know if you have the same problem or something similar.
Márcia pantas Martins Cidade  - Comment
Márcia pantas Martins Cidade 12 febbraio 2020Reply
O meu gato após eu me mudar de cidade só vive em baixo da cama so sai para comer beber e fazer necessidades.
Ou em vima do armário e geladeira,más esses dias está com uma tremedeira.
Amber - Comment
Amber03 marzo 2020Reply
my boy cat, which is about 10-11 months I believe has been quite constipated for the last week or so and is quite as expected afraid to go due to the pain (he has been flushed, which he still hasn’t gone obviously) but he’s started shaking with it, I don’t know if the shaking is due to him stressing himself out or due to the pain or just simply being cold since he mostly shakes when he’s laying down when he does it and just naturally meows/hisses in pain when being moved
Meg - Comment
Meg03 marzo 2020Reply
If your cat is constipated, try adding water to his food, or goat milk, or even that grass for cats. It helps with digesting and pushing good out.
Nikki - Comment
Nikki07 marzo 2020Reply
My cat is tremble and digging himself raw I have tried the told me fleas my cat don't have speciall
Lately he's got so much raw and it got worse when he got shaved for one spot then they end up taking his hair I'm pissed.. now he's just miserable and bitvhy and it's driving me crazy a month he should be better not worse
Robert - Comment
Robert07 marzo 2020Reply
Hey ur pet isn't on steroids is it I know it caused my rat terrier to do that and hair was falling out it was aweful and vet didn't catch it I did I stopped them quickly yet gradually and she got better. Just a thought good luck. Hope ur baby feels better fast.
Amani Lashay - Comment
Amani Lashay01 aprile 2020Reply
My twin kittens are brother and sister the female is very active but the boy is always sleep and he is always shaking. I don’t have any idea what’s going on but the girl is very active but he never wants to eat,move,etc so if anyone knows what going on please reply.

....1 month old kittens owner....
narai sheikh  - Comment
narai sheikh 09 giugno 2020Reply
my cat is 1 months old she is shivering or vibrating her eyes are red and one eye is swollen i guess
Krastol - Comment
Krastol09 giugno 2020Reply
I know this is old, but at one month old I'd their eyes are not clear then they should still be on kitten replacement milk.
Latha Mahesh  - Comment
Latha Mahesh 06 Jul 2020Reply
My 5 year old male is sick for the last 5 days, the middle and lower portion of his body is trembling, he has become very inactive, sleeps under the quilt the whole day and running around only while his body is trembling.
Summer - Comment
Summer06 Jul 2020Reply
My boy cat is about a year and I noticed him shaking like this today. Did you ever find out what was wrong, is he okay?
TeriS - Comment
TeriS29 agosto 2020Reply
Persian 15 + and had arthritis and nasal carsonoma. Decided it was time to avoid further suffering before injections and after the cafeter was placed in leg.. she was shivering.. room was extremely cold with AC.. so I wrapped the blanked around her and she just seemed to relax. and went peacefully.. wondered why she would shiver would if be fear?
Aminu Auwal - Comment
Aminu Auwal13 settembre 2020Reply
My cat giving some sound that i didn't understand what the sound exactly means.
Jen  - Comment
Jen 01 Nov 2020Reply
If your cat is shivering, shaking, acting abnormal, not eating, constipated, coughing, hiding, chewing himself raw, etc for more than a day or two STOP ASKING THE INTERNET AND TAKE HIM/HER TO THE VET. If your child was doing this, would you be sitting in your butt asking random people with no qualifications questions?
Annie Kenigsberg - Comment
Annie Kenigsberg25 Nov 2020Reply
I just washed my kittens and I have put them in towels warming them up and they are shacking and meowing
Kelly - Comment
Kelly25 Nov 2020Reply
Most likely the kittens are traumatized by thier bath and are both scared and cold. I’m sure once they warmed up and realized no harm was done they went back to being themselves
serena  - Comment
serena 29 marzo 2021Reply
hi i have a 8 year old cat that was born blind just a two days ago he started this thing that looks like shivering or shaking and sneezing unconotolablely he can walk he has used the bathroom once or twice at first he could not keep food down we gave him meds,honey,..some meds forcats for there sinus,and some elderberry juice he kept tuna down ..can you please help me ..thanks serena siders 44 from clarksburg wv
Julie - Comment
Julie28 aprile 2021Reply
Just a little worried about my kitten
Dani - Comment
Dani24 giugno 2021Reply
My 4 year old cat Benny always has been very social with people and my other cat, but when he sleeps or even just relaxes next to me he seems to have tension shivers. I notice it especially when he purrs but I don’t know why. He’s fine always and shows no signs of being sick. Is this familiar to anyone?
Nue - Comment
Nue24 giugno 2021Reply
Hi. I'm aware it has been 1 year since you commented this, but I'd like to point out that yes, I'm familiar with the situation you described. I have no idea why your cat does that and I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with my own cat too.

Have you found out why, yet? Is your kitty okay now? I'm hoping you found something and maybe could give me some help for my furry friend as he also shivers the same way you mentioned.
Alyson Smith  - Comment
Alyson Smith 23 settembre 2022Reply
My 7th month old kitten is shaking and meowing and growling.
He’s been to the vet’s because what he recently ate.
But they gave him a shot to help him feel better.
His nose looks like it was bleeding a little bit.
He started shaking,meowing and growling out of the blue.
He was fine a half hour ago I don’t know what’s wrong.
Is there anything it might be?

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