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10 cani molto carini

 di simone il 25 maggio 2014 |
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All dogs are gorgeous and lovable but these ones happen to be particularly fetching. 1. Friends call this helpful pup 'Letters'. Sometimes the mail arrives a little slobbery with bite marks but a bit of training and Letters could learn to do that t...

Paga con:

 di simone il 24 maggio 2014 |
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1. How they think they look frolicking in the snow. "So powerful, so fast and so all-terrain." Image credit How ...

9 animali domestici sopravvivono a malapena alla settimana lavorativa

 di simone il 21 maggio 2014 |
1. Urrrggghhh, I hate Mondays. Image credit   2. Seriously next time you can do your own filing!   Image credit   ...


 di danielle il 20 maggio 2014 |
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Doga is on the rise. What is doga you ask? Pretty much what it sounds like: yoga you can do with your dog.   What started as something people would tilt their heads at the idea of and laugh has become the du jour activity for the upwardly mobile in ...

Knit Your Pet!

 di danielle il 20 maggio 2014 |
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Joanna Muir and Sally Osborne had an idea. Dog lovers and knitting aficionados, they decided to see if they could combin...

Leggendo con Rover

 di danielle il 22 mar 2017 |
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Il programma Reading with Rover coinvolge i cani nella ricerca di aiutare i bambini con difficoltà di lettura a migliorare la loro lettura...

7 razze di gatti ideali per i bambini

 di jaime il 22 mar 2017 |
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Se hai un bambino piccolo (o più bambini) in casa, potresti pensare che prendere un gatto non sia una buona idea. Tuttavia, alcune razze di gatti prosperano intorno ai bambini, quindi è intelligente saperne di più su queste razze prima di scegliere un animale domestico. Ecco i...

8 alimenti umani pericolosi per i gatti

 di jaime il 15 maggio 2014 |
Image credit While you might think it's harmless to slip your cat a little piece of your dinner or to feed them some of ...

Come guinzaglio allena il tuo gatto

 di jaime il 14 maggio 2014 |
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Image credit Leash training is a part of life for just about every puppy. By the time the puppy is a few months old, it ...

Il tuo bambino è pronto per la responsabilità di un animale domestico?

 di jaime il 12 maggio 2014 |
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Image credit Bringing a puppy or kitten into the home can be a great way to teach life lessons to your children. Unlike a toy, a pet is a living thing and it needs constant care and monitoring to stay happy and healthy. Children who live with pets ca...
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