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15 cani che sono terribili a nascondino

 di michelle il 24 maggio 2014 |
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1. "Ready or not, here I come... Oh, I guess you weren't ready."

2. Points for creativity! 

3. "Hey buddy, you didn't happen to see a puppy come through here recently?"

4. Rule number one of hiding: be silent and stay very still.

5. "Hmmm, doesn't look like there's anyone hiding in the bedroom..."
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6. "Can you see me now, how about now?"
7. "Just because you can't see me, doesn't mean I can't see you!"

8. "Nothing to see here, just a mini horse grazing."
9. "I didn't remember this bed being so fluffy!"

10. "That upside-down dog bed is a little suspicious looking!"

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11. I think you're a little too husky to hide in there!

12. "A" for effort. 
13. "What do you know! A couch with a tail!"

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14. "Something is different about that one in the middle..."

15. "Okay I give up! You're practically invisible."


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