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Blog sulla benna per animali domestici

Suggerimenti utili per smettere di abbaiare eccessivamente

 di jaime il 27 lug 2014 |
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There is no feeling more frustrating than trying to silence a dog that is barking excessively. Excessive barking can occur in a number of situations for various reasons. One common instance of excessive barking occurs when visitors come to your home....

Malattie infettive comuni nei gatti

 di jaime il 27 lug 2014 |
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Summer is in full swing and families have migrated outdoors to enjoy the warm weather while it lasts. As you head outdoo...

Cosa ti dice il tuo cane con i suoi occhi?

 di jaime il 27 lug 2014 |
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Human beings express a range of emotions using various physical movements and expressions. As a human, you can show your...

Sopravvivere alla dentizione nei cuccioli

 di jaime il 26 lug 2014 |
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È un punto facile guidare sempre a casa, ma portare a casa un nuovo cucciolo ha molto in comune con l'accoglienza di un bambino umano in famiglia. Ci sono molti dolori crescenti che i cuccioli e i loro proprietari dovranno affrontare mentre entrambi i lati si adattano ...

Come trasportare il tuo gatto al caldo

 di michelle il 26 lug 2014 |
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Most cats prefer to be left home, but if you’re traveling somewhere together or just need to take your cat to the vet, f...

Come tenere i gatti non invitati fuori dal tuo giardino

 di simone il 26 lug 2014 |
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What can you do when there are other cats in your garden - and you don't want them there! Cats are experts at climbing ...

6 consigli per la perfetta doggy playdate

 di michelle il 25 lug 2014 |
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If you want to set your dog up with a furry friend but don't know where to begin, here are some simple tips to create both a fun and safe environment for your dog's playdate. 1. Set the playdate up in a safe, neutral environment This could be a dog...

Perché il mio gatto mi mastica le dita?

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
Ouch! One moment you are cuddling your soft purring kitty and the next moment their teeth are embedded in your finger. W...

Trasloca con il tuo gatto - Senza stress!

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
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Cats tend not to be keen on strangers in the house, new environments or hustle and bustle, making the general craziness ...

Perché Puppies Nip e come fermarlo

 di jaime il 25 lug 2014 |
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What is it? Nipping, also known as gentle mouthing is not biting. It's something that puppies do a lot of and most of the time it's while they play. Controlling the force of their nipping or gentle mouthing is called bite inhibition and usually puppi...
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