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Disturbi vestibolari nei gatti

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
Vestibular disorders are unfortunately common in cats.  Also known as the labyrinth, the vestibular apparatus is a sense organ which is composed by three canals, an utricle and a saccule. The apparatus is stimulated by gravity and rotational movemen...

Insegna al tuo cane ad aprire e chiudere le porte

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
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Wouldn’t it be amazing if your dog knew how to open the door to let themselves outside in the mornings? Guide dogs are t...

Deborah M. di La Mesa, California

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
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Due to modern health care innovations, dogs, like humans, are living longer than ever before. This means we can now enjo...

Perché l'appetito del tuo gatto è aumentato

 di simone il 28 lug 2014 |
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Cats are like us in many ways – they enjoy a stretch, a nap in the sun and some peace and quiet. They can also experience an increased appetite. Cold weather, greater activity, growth periods, pregnancy and lactation are all possible, and normal, cau...

Perché i gatti attaccano improvvisamente i loro proprietari?

 di jaime il 28 lug 2014 |
It can be like a scene from Jaws. You can imagine the music playing in the background as you walk down the dark hallway,...

10 malattie più comuni nei cani

 di jaime il 28 lug 2014 |
The common cold and flu virus knows no boundaries in infecting humans. Regardless of your age, skin color, or nationalit...

Suggerimenti utili per smettere di abbaiare eccessivamente

 di jaime il 27 lug 2014 |
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There is no feeling more frustrating than trying to silence a dog that is barking excessively. Excessive barking can occur in a number of situations for various reasons. One common instance of excessive barking occurs when visitors come to your home....

Malattie infettive comuni nei gatti

 di jaime il 27 lug 2014 |
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Summer is in full swing and families have migrated outdoors to enjoy the warm weather while it lasts. As you head outdoo...

Cosa ti dice il tuo cane con i suoi occhi?

 di jaime il 27 lug 2014 |
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Human beings express a range of emotions using various physical movements and expressions. As a human, you can show your...

Sopravvivere alla dentizione nei cuccioli

 di jaime il 26 lug 2014 |
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È un punto facile guidare sempre a casa, ma portare a casa un nuovo cucciolo ha molto in comune con l'accoglienza di un bambino umano in famiglia. Ci sono molti dolori crescenti che i cuccioli e i loro proprietari dovranno affrontare mentre entrambi i lati si adattano ...
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