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Ecco perché il tuo cane non ti ascolta

 da lucy il 13 dicembre 2017 |
When your dog ignores your commands, it isn’t just frustrating—it can be dangerous to his health. Not only does snubbing your instructions show a lack of respect for you as his pack leader, but your dog’s failure to follow commands can put him in dan...

Come eliminare il prurito quando il tuo gatto ha allergie cutanee

 da lucy il 06 dicembre 2017 |
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Cats are allergic to many of the same things as people, but unlike us, our feline friends usually display symptoms on th...

Devo lavare i denti al mio gatto?

 da lucy il 30 nov 2017 |
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Come per gli esseri umani, le cure dentistiche sono importanti per garantire la salute delle gengive e dei denti del tuo gatto, ma non è così facile per noi...

Allergie alle pulci nei cani

 da lucy il 27 nov 2017 |
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All pets itch when they have fleas, but some dogs face severe allergic reactions to bites from these pests. From itchy, red bumps to hair loss and life-threatening infections, flea allergies can cause a host of worries for your canine companion. Fort...

Gli esseri umani possono contrarre malattie dai gatti?

 da lucy il 24 nov 2017 |
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Illnesses that can be passed from animals to humans are known as zoonotic diseases. While most zoonotic diseases only im...

Come parlare con il tuo cane

 da lucy il 22 nov 2017 |
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Quello che diciamo ai nostri cani è importante, ma il modo in cui lo diciamo è fondamentale. I nostri toni e il linguaggio del corpo danno indizi ai nostri animali domestici ...

Quattro modi per assicurarti di avere un gatto domestico felice

 da lucy il 20 nov 2017 |
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Indoor cats live safer, longer lives, but some pet owners worry their feline friends’ mental and physical wellbeing suffer without the excitement of the outdoors. The truth is that housecats can and do get bored, but there are some simple steps you c...

Animali da assistenza

 da lucy il 18 nov 2017 |
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Humans and animals have been working side by side for around 15,000 years, but more recently animals have been helping u...

Il tuo gatto soffre di malattie dentali?

 da lucy il 17 nov 2017 |
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What starts as a little tartar and bad breath can lead to serious health problems for your cat. Periodontal disease is o...

Perché i gatti impazziscono dopo aver fatto la cacca

 di lucy il 31 ott 2017 |
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You may think your cat is alone in his frenzied behavior following a trip to the litter box, but the truth is, many cats bolt after using the bathroom. Scientists have actually studied the phenomenon and, while no one is exactly sure what causes Kitt...
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