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Blog sulla benna per animali domestici

Top 3 Training Implements for Well-Behaved Canines

 di zack il 29 nov 2012 |
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As we all know, dog training is no quick and easy endeavor, it takes time, patience, and determination. At the end of the day, it’s possible to bring your dog to a proficient level of understanding in most respects, using nothing but a reassuring voice and some tasty snacks. However, this isn’t always the easiest approach. Because of the widespread popularity of dogs, there has been an explosion in the production of dog training equipment. Some of these tools are near essential, while others are looking to scam you out of a quick buck. Since the goal here at Pet bucket is to ensure a happy and healthy pet, we’ve compiled a short list of some of our favorite and most effective dog training tools.
  1. Collari antiurto:
Many complain about the negative reinforcement method that a shock collar employs. However, when it comes to the results of such training, most recognize this as an “ends justifying means” scenario. The shock therapy is highly recommended in cases of extremely stubborn or dangerous behavior patterns. If this option still seems a bit barbaric for your delicate little doggy you can always go with the sonic option. Instead of an electric shock, this collar works by delivering a tone to let the dog know if it’s not being well-behaved.  Both collar types come with a wide variety of options customized to fit your dog’s precise needs, such as remote control, noise-trigger, invisible fencing, and much more.
  • Walking your dog is no longer a game of tug-of-war with the Gentle Leader training tool.Leash Training Harnesses:
  • L'addestramento al guinzaglio è uno degli sforzi essenziali ma più difficili di addestramento del cane. I cani spingono istintivamente in avanti contro qualsiasi forza che li tira indietro. Ciò può spesso finire con un cane che si strangola per metà nel tentativo di inseguire alcuni scoiattoli. Fortunatamente, puoi evitare l'asfissia canina con alcune alternative di colletto intelligente. Ci sono imbracature che si stringono attorno al petto e alla schiena dei cani mentre esercitano una pressione, e i capi che spostano il loro slancio di lato mentre si precipitano in avanti. Questi delicati capi possono essere agganciati al petto o al muso, purché tu non abbia un cane con la faccia da carlino. Noterai un'enorme differenza nelle tue passeggiate se provi questi deviatori del momento.
    1. clicker:
    These unassuming yet useful instruments are fairly self-explanatory. They make a satisfying click noise wheneverLet the dog know it's done a good job with a treat and a click! li spingi. Questo può essere usato come segnale udibile per il tuo cane da prendere ogni volta che hai voglia di ricompensarlo per essere ben educato. È un trucco semplice ma estremamente efficace, ed è stato usato come un pilastro nella formazione all'obbedienza per molti anni.

    Canine training tools run the gamut from simple and cheap to fancy and expensive. Use your best judgment before purchasing a training tool. It’s important to recognize your dog as an individual with distinctive reasons for his or her behavioral ticks. Make sure to always keep this in mind whenever engaging in a training session. And always avidly peruse the Pet bucket blog for more helpful training tips!


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