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Spedizione gratuita in tutto il mondo per ordini superiori a $ 50
855 908 4010
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Diane Mc Kinney
You have made life easier by offering automatic refill on my dogs "Advocate" . Always satisfied and have been getting their meds for the last several years with you. Great price, great product, free shipping, how much more could you ask for. Would recommend this to anyone who cares about your pets . They NEVER have fleas.
Geoff McGregor
Diane Mc Kinney
I love the service and the price I get for this fine product for my beloved pets (3 dogs). I get the automatic every 3 month service and they never forget or they are never late, which is so important to the health of my pets. What a relief to have this taken care of automatically. Thank you so much for your service.
Pam Mansfield
ottimo ed economico
Viale Sabbioso
I love the product Advocate for dogs and cats. The company does a great job sending the orders and their prices are great.