Nomi di marca comuni
Not available as a single ingredient product for use with household pets.
Ingredienti combinati
Uses of Pyriproxyfen
Pyriproxyfen is a larvicide used to control fleas in cani and gatti. It does not kill fleas but disrupts their life cycle, preventing early stages from developing into adults.
As such Pyriproxyfen is not used as a single ingredient product, but combined with adulticides such Imidacloprid to extend the efficacy of flea treatments. Combined ingredient products containing Permethrin are not for use on cats.
Pyriproxyfen has no effect on ticks or mites.
Metodo di applicazione
For external application. Combined ingredient products are supplied as topical/spot-on solutions.
Dosaggio e somministrazione
Pyriproxyfen is not available as a single ingredient product.
For dosage and administration of combined ingredient products, refer to information on the specific product and use only as directed.
Possibili effetti collaterali
Pyriproxyfen alone is well tolerated by dogs and cats, with a low toxicity and high safety margin.
Side effects experienced by dogs and cats after treatment with products containing Pyriproxyfen can generally be attributed to other active ingredients.
Segni di tossicità
Poisoning from Pyriproxyfen is unlikely due to a low toxicity and high tolerance in dogs and cats. High doses of Pyriproxyfen may cause reduced activity, failure to gain weight, diarrhea, unusual breathing, and loss of muscle control. In addition, dogs may experience vomiting.
If you suspect your dog or cat has had an overdose, please contact your veterinarian immediately.
Esclusione di responsabilità
Queste informazioni sono fornite solo come riferimento generale e non intendono sostituire l'etichetta dell'imballaggio o il consiglio veterinario. Questa pagina potrebbe non includere tutti gli effetti collaterali, gli usi, i nomi di marchi o le applicazioni.