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Uses of Nitenpyram

Nitenpyram is an antiparasitic (neonicotinoid) used to kill fleas on cani and gatti. It has no effect on other external parasites including ticks, mites and lice.

Metodo di applicazione

Oral application supplied as tablets.

Dosaggio e somministrazione

Nitenpyram oral tablets are for use on both dogs and cats. Correct dosing is vital to avoid toxicity, so please weigh your pet before administering and use only as directed.

Tablets should be hidden in food or placed directly into the animal’s mouth. Monitor your pet to ensure the entire dose has been swallowed. If you suspect the tablet has not been swallowed, it is safe to administer a second dose.

Nitenpyram kills existing adult fleas on dogs and cats, but provides no protection against reinfestation. If you pet becomes reinfested with fleas, Nitenpyram may be administered again, up to once per day.

For maximum effectiveness, treat all pets in the household at the same time.

Nitenpyram has no effect on fleas in the home or in the pet’s environment. As eggs and immature fleas develop and attach to your pet, it may be necessary to readminister Nitenpyram.

Possibili effetti collaterali

There may be a brief period of intense scratching after treatment with Nitenpyram. This is due to fleas biting as they are killed, and is not an adverse reaction to the medication.

Reported side effects in dogs treated with Nitenpyram include lethargy, vomiting, itching, decreased appetite, diarrhea and hyperactivity.

Reported side effects in cats treated with Nitenpyram include hyperactivity, panting, lethargy, itching, vocalization, vomiting, fever and decreased appetite.


Toxicity occurs most frequently due to dosing errors. Please ensure you use only as directed.

Safe for use with pregnant or lactating dogs or cats.

Non usare su cani o gatti di età inferiore a 4 settimane.

Not for use on dogs or cats weighing less than 2 pounds (0.9 kg).

Segni di tossicità

Indications of Nitenpyram overdose in dogs and cats include fatigue, convulsions, difficulty breathing, tremors, cramps and unstable gait.

In addition, cats may experience drooling, vomiting and rapid breathing.

If you suspect your pet has had an overdose, please contact your veterinarian immediately.


Store at controlled room temperature, between 59° and 77°F (15°-25°C).

Esclusione di responsabilità

Queste informazioni sono fornite solo come riferimento generale e non intendono sostituire l'etichetta dell'imballaggio o il consiglio veterinario. Questa pagina potrebbe non includere tutti gli effetti collaterali, gli usi, i nomi di marchi o le applicazioni.


Nitenpyram drug information sheet
Nitenpyram Information Sheet

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