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Uses of Sarolaner

Sarolaneris a broad-spectrum ectoparasiticide used to treat fleas, ticks and mites.

The zecche controlled vary from region to region and may depend on dosage. Check the label for parasites treated in your area.

USA: American dog ticks (Dermacentorvariabilis), black legged/deer ticks (Ixodes scapularis), Lone star ticks (Amblyommaamericanum), Gulf Coast ticks (Amblyommamaculatum), brown dog ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus).

EU: Marsh ticks (Dermacentorreticulatus), hedgehog ticks (Ixodes hexagonus), castor bean ticks (Ixodes ricinus), brown dog ticks(Rhipicephalus sanguineus).

AUS: Paralysis ticks (Ixodes holocyclus), brown dog ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus), bush ticks (Haemaphysalislongicornis).

Metodo di applicazione

Oral application supplied as chewable tablets. Application of combined ingredient products may vary.

Dosaggio e somministrazione

Sarolaner oral treatment is available as a canine formula only, with the exact product determined by the dog’s body weight. Ensure that you weigh your dog before treatment and use only as directed.

Chewables may be offered directly to the dog as a treat, broken up and added to food or administered as any other tablet. Monitor the dog for several minutes to ensure the full dose is taken. Sarolaner may be given with or without food.

For the treatment of flea and tick infestations, Sarolaner should be administered monthly. Treatment can begin at any time, and may be continued year-round without interruption.

For the treatment of ear mites, a single dose should be administered.

For the treatment of sarcoptic mange, a single dose should be administered once a month for two consecutive months.

Possibili effetti collaterali

The most common side effects reported in dogs treated with Sarolaner are gastrointestinal effects such as vomiting and diarrhea. Less common adverse reactions include transient neurological disorders such as tremor, ataxia or convulsions.


The oral administration of Sarolaner has been approved for use with dogs only. Do not give Sarolaner chews to cats.

As parasites must feed on the host to become exposed to Sarolaner, the transmission of infectious parasite-borne diseases cannot be excluded.

Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. Seizures have been reported in dogs treated with the isoxazoline family of drugs, which includes Sarolaner.

Not for use on dogs under 6 months of age or weighing less than 2.8 pounds (1.3 kg).

Sarolaner has not been evaluated in dogs that are pregnant, breeding or lactating.

Segni di tossicità

Sarolaner toxicity is rare but symptoms may include neurological disorders such as tremors and convulsions.

If you suspect your dog has had an overdose, contact your veterinarian immediately.


Store below 30°C/86°F.

Esclusione di responsabilità

Queste informazioni sono fornite solo come riferimento generale e non intendono sostituire l'etichetta dell'imballaggio o il consiglio veterinario. Questa pagina potrebbe non includere tutti gli effetti collaterali, gli usi, i nomi di marchi o le applicazioni.


Sarolaner drug information sheet
Sarolaner Information Sheet

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