Garanzia del prezzo più basso - Batteremo qualsiasi prezzo!
Spedizione gratuita in tutto il mondo per ordini superiori a $ 50
855 908 4010
Recensioni sul marchio
5 su 5 stelle
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  • 1 stelle 0%
Sophie Lemire
Always shipped quickly. Good products, cheaper than at the vet !!
Sophie Lemire
Always shipped quickly. Good products, cheaper than at the vet !!
Thomas Karczewski
I ordered Advantage for cats and the order was shipped quickly and arrived faster than I anticipated. The product was top quality and very fresh and has an expiration date of Feb. 2020. It's the same flea drops you buy at the vets for half price. I'll be buying them again!
Thomas Karczewski
I ordered Advantage for cats and the order was shipped quickly and arrived faster than I anticipated. The product was top quality and very fresh and has an expiration date of Feb. 2020. It's the same flea drops you buy at the vets for half price. I'll be buying them again!
Moti Varsano
Ottimo articolo, arrivato in scadenza. Grazie