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Filtrato per tag ("salute e benessere")

Quando è il momento migliore per nutrire il tuo gatto

 di jaime il 27 ago 2014 |
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Being responsible for the health and wellbeing of a cat is a huge responsibility and a large part of that is your ability to feed them a balanced and nutrient rich diet to promote longevity, energy and a healthy weight. Coupled with this, deciding on...

Come mettere peso su un cane sottopeso

 di jaime il 27 ago 2014 |
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Il tuo cane pesa molto meno di quanto dovrebbe? Per i cani è importante mantenere un peso sano e infatti, ...

Il tuo gatto è davvero letargico?

 di michelle il 27 ago 2014 |
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The average cat sleeps 15 hours a day, and that number is even higher for senior cats and kittens. However, if you notic...

Codificazione del colore

 di danielle il 25 ago 2014 |
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Le persone tendono a preoccuparsi di condividere la propria influenza con gli altri, isolandosi dagli amici e dalla famiglia fino a quando non si sentono meglio per paura di trasmettere la propria malattia. Pochi si chiedono se il loro gatto, raggomitolato nel letto con loro mentre riposano, possa catturare il loro ...

Perché i cani masticano la loro lettiera?

 di danielle il 24 ago 2014 |
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You leave your dog for the day peacefully curled up asleep on their bed. When you return, it is as if it has snowed – wh...

Cibo per cani secco Eukanuba Puppy Lamb & Rice per razze piccole e medie

 di danielle il 24 ago 2014 |
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Strange as it may sound, some cats can suddenly start eating kitty litter. It is an oddity to be concerned about as it u...

Le abitudini piuttosto strane di cani e gatti

 di simone il 24 ago 2014 |
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All animals have unique personalities and accompanying quirks. There are particular habits, some of them very strange indeed, that are quite common in the world of cats and dogs.   Pooch peculiarities Circle work before sleeping Many dogs will turn ...

Cosa fare se si tagliano le unghie del gatto

 di danielle il 23 ago 2014 |
Clipping a cat’s nails is no easy task. Keeping a struggling cat still while trying to get the clippers around the right...

Ogni 8 mesi; Collare

 di jaime il 22 ago 2014 |
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  Bringing home a kitten is an exciting time, full of transition, discovery and plenty of cute moments. Before you know...

Cani e meningite

 di jaime il 21 ago 2014 |
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  Meningitis is a serious condition that affects the central nervous system in dogs just as it is in humans. Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges, the membranous layers that protect the outside of the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis is ...
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