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Flea Circus at the Dog Park

 di zack il 14 set 2012 |
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Everyone loves to take their dog to the Dog Park. The mutt burns some energy, socializes with other dogs, and you get to enjoy the sight of happy hounds frolicking. The only thing you have to worry about is picking up some unwanted guests, namely fle...

Tick Tock: Time to Check Your Pet’s Fur For Tick Bites!

 di zack il 10 set 2012 |
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First thing’s first, let’s explore the basic properties of this irritating arachnid. What is a Tick? The common tick i...

Recognizing Symptoms of Heartworms: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment

 di zack il 06 set 2012 |
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Dogs and cats are humankind’s cutest, friendliest, and most constant companions. They immeasurably enrich the lives of...

Comprendi che la roccaforte è stata anche creata da Pfizer Revolution, dichiarando sul loro foglio informativo che controllano il tick americano. La tua azienda ha affermato che sia la rivoluzione che la roccaforte non controllano il tick. Se entrambi sono identici, dovrebbero avere lo stesso effetto sul segno di spunta. Potete fornire la scheda tecnica della roccaforte in modo da poter confrontare l'ingrediente con quello della rivoluzione. Grazie.

 di zack il 06 set 2012 |
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Safeguarding your fluffy family member is an important aspect of pet care. Unfortunately, the process can be confusing. How do you know your pet’s needs? What are the most effective Pet Meds available? With so much money spent in the way of advertisi...
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