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Filtrato per tag ("suggerimenti e trucchi")

Il tuo bambino è pronto per la responsabilità di un animale domestico?

 di jaime il 12 maggio 2014 |
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Image credit Bringing a puppy or kitten into the home can be a great way to teach life lessons to your children. Unlike a toy, a pet is a living thing and it needs constant care and monitoring to stay happy and healthy. Children who live with pets ca...

Il tuo animale domestico ha la vitiligine?

 di danielle il 12 maggio 2014 |
Image credit Vitiligo is a rare condition that results in unusual coat patterns in dogs. Affected dogs display white s...

Perché i gatti odiano l'acqua?

 di danielle il 11 maggio 2014 |
Owners know the look of horror their cat gives if they are accidentally splashed with droplets of water in the bathroom ...

Cinque consigli per legare con il tuo nuovo gatto

 di jaime il 10 maggio 2014 |
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Image credit If you have just added a new cat or kitten to your home, you may be wondering how to make the cat feel comfortable and happy. Here are five tips that will help you to create a strong, stable bond with your new pet.    1. Take charge of...

Come scegliere il veterinario giusto

 di jaime il 09 maggio 2014 |
Image credit One of the biggest and most important decisions any pet owner needs to make is which veterinarian to choose...

Errori comuni di addestramento del cane

 di jaime il 08 maggio 2014 |
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Image credit Proper training is important for every dog, and in the end the dog owner needs to act as the trainer. Even ...

5 cani amichevoli dell'appartamento

 di michele il 07 maggio 2014 |
With more and more people choosing inner-city high density living, it’s becoming more common for dogs to be apartment dwellers. Keeping a dog as a pet in an apartment is much different to having a dog in a house. In an apartment there is less room to...

Giocattoli per animali di nuova generazione

 di danielle il 06 maggio 2014 |
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Gone are the days of a simple tennis ball being good enough for Fido, or a feather on a stick enough to capture Puss’s a...

I primi cinque miti sui gatti

 di jaime il 05 maggio 2014 |
There are many rumours about the preferences, behaviors and needs of cats, many of which can be unhelpful. In addition, ...

Presentazione di un nuovo gatto alla famiglia: alcuni consigli per il successo

 di jaime il 01 maggio 2014 |
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Image credit Cats are known for their independence, but that does not mean they do not enjoy companionship. If you are away from home for long stretches of time, your solo cat could get lonely and depressed. Introducing a new cat into the household c...
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