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Blog sulla benna per animali domestici

Filtrato per tag ("suggerimenti e trucchi")

6 semplici modi per ridurre le palle di pelo del tuo gatto

 di jaime il 12 giu 2014 |
Cats are typically tidy animals that take pride in maintaining a neat appearance. Unfortunately, all of that licking usually comes with a price. Any cat owner knows that hairballs are an uncomfortable problem for clean kitties. If your furry friend i...

Comprensione della gelosia negli animali domestici

 di jaime il 12 giu 2014 |
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  We have a lot of love for our pets, and it goes without saying that the feeling is almost always returned. The bond b...

6 cose da sapere prima di procurarsi una capra in miniatura

 di simone il 12 giu 2014 |
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Cats are excellent pets. Dogs are loads of fun. Goldfish are certainly quiet. Apparently iguanas are loving. Still haven...

Come proteggere il tuo animale domestico dalle zecche questa estate

 di jaime il 11 giu 2014 |
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Ticks are more than just a nuisance for dogs and cats. These troublesome parasites are powerful disease vectors as well, and they pose a danger to pets and pet parents alike. As you prepare for summertime fun with your pets, you need to take steps to...

5 consigli sulla sicurezza termica durante l'allenamento con il cane

 di jaime il 11 giu 2014 |
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  The warm summer weather means spending more time outside walking, running and playing with your canine companion. Whi...

5 motivi per cui dovresti microchip il tuo animale domestico

 di michelle il 11 giu 2014 |
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Ginger Belle, a Yorkshire terrier from South Carolina, ran away in early May, 2014. Her distraught owners searched for h...

Come affrontare la stagione delle pulci

 di jaime il 10 giu 2014 |
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La maggior parte dei proprietari di animali domestici è dolorosamente consapevole del fastidio di avere a che fare con le pulci. Solo poche pulci possono far graffiare freneticamente il tuo animale domestico e quelle poche pulci si moltiplicano presto in una moltitudine di creature cattive. Le pulci lasciano il tuo animale domestico a disagio e ...

Quattro ottimi consigli per tenere gli artigli del gattino fuori dai tuoi mobili

 di danielle il 10 giu 2014 |
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1. Provide scratchable alternatives!   Cats love to scratch. Unfortunately, if kitty likes scratching on their owner’s ...

8 cose da considerare prima di ottenere un coniglio da compagnia

 di simone il 09 giu 2014 |
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Seriously, who doesn’t love a rabbit? Their fluffiness, big ears, wiggly noses, bouncy feet, adorable faces and ultra-cu...

Cinque comandi di addestramento che potrebbero salvare la vita al tuo cane

 di danielle il 09 giu 2014 |
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Obedience training not only makes your dog a more pleasant companion, it also can help keep your beloved friend safe and sound. These five commands are vital additions to your dog’s training repertoire.   Sit   Image credit Most dogs know how ...
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