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Filtrato per tag ("suggerimenti e trucchi")

Cosa fare se il gatto ha problemi di suzione

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
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Alcuni gatti, rannicchiati in grembo al proprietario, hanno l'abitudine di tenere in bocca una parte dei loro vestiti e succhiare. Può essere un comportamento sconcertante per le persone che non hanno mai avuto un gatto incline prima - cosa diavolo stanno facendo? Wh ...

Come aiutare il tuo cane a superare la paura delle scale

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
As some readers will know, certain dogs are petrified of going up and down stairs. To us it can seem silly - its just st...

Cosa fare se si dispone di un gatto con velcro

 di jaime il 17 lug 2014 |
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Does your cat do any of the following? Following you everywhere you go (yes, even to the bathroom). Sulking, meowing...

Insegna al tuo cane il targeting per mano

 di michelle il 17 lug 2014 |
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Hand targeting is an extremely useful skill to teach your dog. Once your dog understands the basic behavior, you’ll be able to teach your dog a handful of tricks!   What Is Hand Targeting? Hand Targeting is exactly what it sounds like: your hand is...

Come prendersi cura di un cane anziano

 di jaime il 17 lug 2014 |
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The first time you realise that your four legged friend is old can be quite an upsetting realisation. Maybe they didn't ...

Andatura di stimolazione del tuo cane

 di jaime il 16 lug 2014 |
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The movement and locomotion of a four-legged animal like a dog is very different to human locomotion. As a human being, ...

5 modi per aiutare un gatto a cui non piacciono le persone

 di jaime il 16 lug 2014 |
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While some felines will practically fall over themselves trying to communicate their love or obtain your affection, other cats simply don't seem to like people at all. If your cat has an unknown history, or a wariness or dislike of people, it may unf...

Cosa fare se il cane viene colpito da ...

 di jaime il 16 lug 2014 |
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It's impossible to keep an eye on your dog all the time, so there may be instances in your pooch's life where they come ...

Cosa fare: se il tuo gatto rimane incinta

 di simone il 15 lug 2014 |
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If you haven’t had your female cat spayed or desexed and you find her acting a little strange, she may very well be preg...

4 modi intelligenti per mascherare il vassoio per i rifiuti del tuo gatto

 di danielle l'8 lug 2014 |
Litter trays are often an unfortunate necessity of modern cat ownership, with many cats now living their entire lives indoors. City dwellers and families with apartments in built up areas are most likely to keep their cats indoors and are also likely...
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