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Filtrato per tag ("salute e benessere")

Cosa devi sapere sui polipi e sul tuo cane

 di jaime il 08 ago 2014 |
When you make the decision to welcome a dog into your home, that choice comes with responsibilities beyond simply feeding and walking your new pet. Dogs have health needs just the same as you do, but they cannot communicate with words when they are n...

Perché i gatti attaccano all'improvviso mentre vengono accarezzati?

 di danielle il 07 ago 2014 |
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One moment you are having a loving moment with your cat, gently stroking their soft fur while they purr – the next, thei...

Spay e sterilizzazione precoci del tuo animale domestico

 di simone il 06 ago 2014 |
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Unless you are a registered breeder, spaying or neutering your pet is a decision we all face. Although neutering your pe...

Novembre 2012

 di danielle il 06 ago 2014 |
After an especially dreadful accident, or the onset of a disease such as cancer, amputation of a cat’s limb may be the only treatment option available. Adapting to life on three legs is never easy, however with owner support the challenge can become ...

Come prendersi cura di un gatto sordo

 di danielle il 05 ago 2014 |
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Loss of hearing in cats necessitates particular care from owners, with deafness a potential threat to their pet’s safety...

Donatori di sangue di cane: come il tuo animale domestico può aiutare i cani bisognosi

 di danielle il 04 ago 2014 |
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Proprio come con i trattamenti medici umani, le trasfusioni di sangue possono essere una parte vitale degli interventi chirurgici canini, come quelli che richiedono...

Il tuo cane dorme troppo?

 di simone il 04 ago 2014 |
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Everyone appreciates a good night’s sleep or sneaking in a nice, re-energising nap during the day. It’s the same for pooches - although it seems like all they do some days is sleep, and sleep, then sleep some more. So how do we know whether our dogs’...

10 malattie comuni nei gatti

 di jaime il 01 ago 2014 |
Come proprietario di un animale domestico è importante non solo fornire cibo, acqua e affetto ai propri animali domestici, ma anche guardar...

Benvenuto Sukhyun

 di jaime il 01 ago 2014 |
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As a human being with a complex nervous system, you know exactly how annoying it is to have a constant itch. The incessa...

Come aiutare il tuo gatto ad affrontare il dolore

 di jaime il 31 lug 2014 |
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  Cats can form strong bonds with other humans and other furry members of the family. You may not even realize the depth of this attachment until that friend is gone. With the loss of a loved companion, cats can become more aloof, lethargic, and eve...
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