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Blog sulla benna per animali domestici

Chimica per animali domestici: tutto sull'ossitocina

 di zack il 13 ottobre 2012 |
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Have you ever felt like your dog was more than just your faithful family companion? Did you ever get the feeling that the house hound was more like a kid than a big dumb drooling animal? Relax. You aren’t a crazy pet person. Well, maybe you are, but...

How to Train Cats: The Basics

 di zack il 12 ottobre 2012 |
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Don’t you just love a fat cat? Aren’t you just smitten with kittens? When you get home from work, do you make a B-line f...

Product Showcase: Trifexis

 di zack il 08 ottobre 2012 |
Today’s showcase will be about Trifexis. This little known tablet is the preferred monthly preventative of veterinarian...

Isole Cook +682

 di brian il 06 ott 2012 |
Tapeworms. What freaking nightmare. They’re tiny little worms that sit in small intestines and eat all the food before their hosts can draw nourishment. It’d be bad enough if they were only infecting your pets, but these dirty little parasites can ...

Il gatto aggressivo è aggressivo: evitare il cattivo comportamento del gatto

 di zack il 05 ottobre 2012 |
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Having an aggressive kitty on your hands can be more than a handful. Cats are usually demure, aloof, and playful little ...

Cat Scratching the Itch: Retracting Kitty’s Claws.

 di zack il 01 ottobre 2012 |
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Ah, the smug and snuggly kitty cat. It sprawls out comfortably on your keyboard to quietly survey its domain. Its eyes l...

Ouch! How to Stop Puppy Biting.

 di zack il 01 ottobre 2012 |
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Nothing is cuter than a fresh faced little tail-wagger nipping at your fingers while at play. However, the game gets old quickly as their jaws get stronger. Puppies are cute, but there’s nothing cute about a full grown dog that hasn’t learned restrai...

How to Train Your Dog: Playful Puppy Potty Training Tips

 di zack il 29 set 2012 |
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Cats are no problem. You feed them, leave out some litter, and throw them in after they eat. Simple stuff. To Train your...

Bouncy Bulldog

 by brian on 24 Sep 2012 |
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A crazy British Bulldog who thinks he is a gymnast. Did someone train him or does it come naturally?  

Flea Allergy Dermatitis: A Raw Deal

 di zack il 24 set 2012 |
Welcome to yet another blurb on one of the many ways a tiny six legged organism can ruin your day. On tonight’s episode, you’ll learn about the most common cause of skin disease for dogs and cats: Flea Allergy Dermatitis. Don’t take this allergic r...
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