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Blog sulla benna per animali domestici

Out of Options: Finding a Professional Pet Sitter Part 2

 di zack il 17 mar 2013 |
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We’ll jump right in where we left off in our last post: with the interview process. After you’ve narrowed the field of applicants and checked your potential professional pet sitter’s credentials with a phone screening, reference check, and possibly...

Out of Options: Finding a Professional Pet Sitter Part 1.

 di zack il 14 mar 2013 |
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Sometimes keeping a steady job can be difficult. Especially if you have a pet at home who’s attention starved and lonely...

The Health Benefits of Pet Ownership

 di zack il 09 mar 2013 |
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Everyone hears about how owning a pet can improve their quality of life. However, it’s easy to take such claims with a g...

Fat Cats and Pudgy Puppies: How to Prevent Pet Obesity

 di zack il 06 mar 2013 |
Obesity is a big problem for people. It’s an even bigger problem for pets. At least people occasionally have the wherewithal to go see a doctor and make lifestyle changes. Dogs and cats rarely have that luxury. Unfortunately, a lot of folks will tole...

Pets and Babies: A Match Made in Adorable Heaven!

 di zack il 03 mar 2013 |
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Most pet owners know that having a dog or cat around the house can enrich their lives immeasurably. What they might not ...

Brazillian Pet Motel: A Flair For the Dramatic

 by zack on 23 Feb 2013 |
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Just in case you thought you were acting a little too crazy for your own good when it comes to your pet, I’m bringing yo...

Cat People, Dog People e Personalità

 di brian il 30 apr 2014 |
  Dogs and cats are the ultimate human companions in contemporary society. So much so, that people end up self-identifying as either one type of person or another.  Dogs win the popularity contest easily, in both terms of ownership and self-identifi...

How to Brush Your Dog: Untangling the Issues

 by zack on 16 Feb 2013 |
Brushing your pet’s fur isn’t just a maintenance issue, it’s  a necessity! Brushing helps keep pets clean, eliminates ex...

Side Effects and Adverse Reactions of Spaying a Cat

 di brian l'11 febbraio 2013 |
After you take your precious princess in to be spayed, you'll want to look out for some common and not so common side e...

Rivoluzione Possibili effetti collaterali per i cani

 di zack il 02 giu 2017 |
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Revolution si è guadagnata la reputazione di fornire trattamenti contro i parassiti ad azione rapida e di lunga durata per cani di ogni tipo. Revolution protegge il tuo cane da pulci, filaria, scabbia, zecche e acari dell'orecchio, il che lo rende un potente parassita mensile...
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