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Blog sulla benna per animali domestici

Brian D. di Eugene, Oregon

 di zack il 25 maggio 2013 |
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We’ve gone through the basics of trimming dog’s nails and how to cut cat nails. Now it’s time go over the final details to make any claw clipping session a successful effort. First, let’s review the commonalities between clipping dog’s nails and ca...

Clipping Cliws 2: Come tagliare le unghie di gatto

 di zack il 24 maggio 2013 |
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Welcome to part 2 of our series on how to cut your pet’s nails. Today we’ll be discussing the basics of clipping claws o...


 di zack il 12 ottobre 2022 |
Image Credit Do you remember when you were a kid and your mom or dad would make you sit still and cut your nails? It wa...

Animal Actors: Celebrity Quadrupeds Part 2

 di zack il 22 maggio 2013 |
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Welcome back to the Petbucket blog’s official examination of famous Hollywood pets, animal actors, and celebrity mammals of all sorts! We capped things off last time with a fascinating look into the elder statesman of feline film: That Darn Cat. Toda...

Animal Actors: Celebrity Quadrupeds

 di zack il 18 maggio 2013 |
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Animal actors have a long history in Hollywood. Movie magic and fluffy cute stage hands go together like butter and pop...

An Abbreviated History of K-9 Crime Fighters

 di zack il 17 maggio 2013 |
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There’s just something fascinating about a crime fighting animal. Human beings have been depending on dogs to help prote...

Aggressività del gatto

 di zack il 15 maggio 2013 |
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While most cats are usually lovable, adorable, and infinitely happy to be caressed, there are times when a feline can become aggressive. Curbing that aggression can be easier said than done. Cats are complex and moody creatures with a penchant for be...

Consigli per viaggiare sicuri sui viaggi con animali domestici

 di zack il 14 maggio 2013 |
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 With summer months around the corner, everyone is beginning to plan their vacation getaways. For a lot of people that m...

Doggy Dental Care: The Dangers of Periodontitis in dogs

 di zack il 09 maggio 2013 |
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So news flash: plaque, tarter, and periodontal issues don’t just exist in the human mouth. Dog chompers might be a good ...

Cold Shoulder Kitty: Socializzare un gatto

 di zack il 06 maggio 2013 |
The human to kitty cat connection can be quite caustic on occasion.  Unlike their canine counterparts, cats, while cute, are known to be quite hostile to humans they haven’t bonded with. Unfortunately, bonding with an angry kitty isn’t exactly an eas...
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