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Addestramento del cane: potresti inviare segnali misti

 di wai il 05 mar 2014 |
Humans have been training dogs for thousands of years.  So naturally, you might assume that we would have it down to a science by now.  But all too often, new dog owners contribute to canine misbehavior by making honest mistakes that send mixed signa...

5 modi per controllare il cane per le pulci

 di wai il 28 feb 2014 |
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If you have a dog, then you need to check it for fleas on a regular basis. Fleas can be found in almost every area of th...

Puppy Potty Training: quattro passaggi per addestrare con successo il vasino al tuo cane

 di wai il 19 feb 2014 |
It's one of the indisputable laws of nature: what goes in one end must come out the other. It's the question of when and...

Ottenere un nuovo cane? Come acclimatare il gatto di famiglia

 di wai il 13 feb 2014 |
Bringing a new dog or puppy home is an exciting and joyful time for families, but the furry newcomer may not be a welcome addition for every family member; namely, the resident cat. Cats don't always take well to change, and when a new pet enters the...

I 5 principali sintomi da tenere presente nei cani

 di wai il 04 feb 2014 |
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It can be hard to tell when your dogs require veterinary attention. If you brought them to the doctor every time they ha...

Leggere l'etichetta degli ingredienti del tuo cibo per cani: cosa dovresti cercare e cosa dovresti evitare

 di wai il 22 gen 2014 |
When it comes to feeding your dog, you have a lot of options to choose from.  You know that table scraps won't provide t...

Heartworm Disease nei gatti

 di wai il 15 gen 2014 |
Until recently, most experts would say that cats did not get heartworms.  Over the past few years, research has begun to show that heartworms are much common in cats than was previously thought.  Prevalence of Heartworm in Cats There have been labo...

Depressione canina: segni comuni, cause e soluzioni facili

 di wai il 06 gen 2014 |
Dogs, like people and many other animals, get depressed. Major change, a substantial loss, or even the weather can creat...

5 Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

 di wai il 18 dicembre 2013 |
All of us want our dogs to be healthy and happy, but it can be quite a struggle to resist the temptation to give your fu...

A spasso il tuo cane: 6 consigli per stabilire la leadership del branco

 di wai il 09 dicembre 2013 |
Non importa se stai camminando solo un cane o 10 alla volta; puoi mantenerli in linea se ti sei affermato come leader del pacchetto. Ecco sei suggerimenti per portare a spasso il cane in modo da stabilire la tua autorità. 1. Usa un breve guinzaglio Usin ...
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