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I cinque consigli di sicurezza estivi per il tuo cane

 di wai l'8 aprile 2014 |
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Your dog is a cherished member of your family. Therefore, you usually have to treat your pet as you would handle a young child. The summer months typically entail more outdoor social activities, so you need to protect your animals from sun exposure a...

Inizia con la spazzolatura: la salute orale del tuo cane

 di wai l'8 aprile 2014 |
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Do you have a hard time making your dog's dental hygiene a priority?  You're not alone.  Plenty of pet owners balk at th...

Shampoo per pelli sensibili alla zampa per cani anziani

 di wai il 19 mar 2014 |
Many breeds of dogs are infamous for their tendency to eat anything and everything in sight. Whether you might think of ...

Guida alla perdita di peso per gatti

 di wai il 12 mar 2014 |
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Is your feline friend beginning to look more like a pot-bellied pig than a cat?  It might be time to start a weight loss regimen.  Helping a cat lose weight will take patience and persistence, but will improve the overall health and well-being of you...

Addestramento del cane: potresti inviare segnali misti

 di wai il 05 mar 2014 |
Humans have been training dogs for thousands of years.  So naturally, you might assume that we would have it down to a s...

5 modi per controllare il cane per le pulci

 di wai il 28 feb 2014 |
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If you have a dog, then you need to check it for fleas on a regular basis. Fleas can be found in almost every area of th...

Puppy Potty Training: quattro passaggi per addestrare con successo il vasino al tuo cane

 di wai il 19 feb 2014 |
It's one of the indisputable laws of nature: what goes in one end must come out the other. It's the question of when and where it comes out that causes problems for the owner of a new puppy. Potty training a new dog is one of the first things you'll ...

Ottenere un nuovo cane? Come acclimatare il gatto di famiglia

 di wai il 13 feb 2014 |
Bringing a new dog or puppy home is an exciting and joyful time for families, but the furry newcomer may not be a welcom...

I 5 principali sintomi da tenere presente nei cani

 di wai il 04 feb 2014 |
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It can be hard to tell when your dogs require veterinary attention. If you brought them to the doctor every time they ha...

Leggere l'etichetta degli ingredienti del tuo cibo per cani: cosa dovresti cercare e cosa dovresti evitare

 di wai il 22 gen 2014 |
When it comes to feeding your dog, you have a lot of options to choose from.  You know that table scraps won't provide the nutrition your pup needs, but you may not realize that certain dog foods can actually contain potentially harmful ingredients a...
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