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 di wai il 02 giu 2014 |
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Night-time safety hasn’t ‘gone to the dogs’ thanks to these innovative flashing dog collars. Make sure your beloved pet is visible to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians when you’re out at night, especially if he has a dark coat. And for the real par...

Gli effetti collaterali della prevenzione delle pulci e delle zecche in prima linea

 di simone il 05 giu 2014 |
Fleas are bad - very bad - and ticks are even worse! Fleas don’t just irritate cats and dogs, driving them barking (or m...

Il giorno del "ritorno alle fusa": non ne ho mai abbastanza di Keyboard Cat

 di wai il 29 maggio 2014 |
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Oh Keyboard Cat - how we love you so! And best of all - you're still releasing brand new kitty-board hits like this furr...

Ciò che questo gatto può fare è assolutamente INCREDIBILE! [VIDEO]

 di wai il 03 giu 2014 |
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Questo gatto ha delle abilità serie! Non ti conosco, ma penso che perderei abbastanza rapidamente contro la zampa ferma di Moe. Guarda, poi CONDIVIDI la sua incredibile interpretazione di Jenga con i pulsanti in basso.      

Perché abbiamo animali domestici

 di simone il 03 giu 2014 |
There’s no doubt that pets enrich our lives. Science is proving that forming a close bond with an animal makes us happie...

Cani in distribuzione

 di michelle il 21 mar 2017 |
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Se sei un amante dei cani, molto probabilmente hai guardato diversi video di militari che si riuniscono con i loro cani dopo lun...

Barriera per cani

 di wai il 29 maggio 2014 |
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Keep you and your family protected when you’re on the road with your dog. Our list of Car Dog Barriers offer peace of mind – and keep curious wet noses in back seat! Bergan Pet Travel Barrier A simple and elegant solution to keep your pets from poki...

Capo Mouser all'ufficio del gabinetto

 di danielle il 04 giu 2014 |
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There are few more prestigious positions in the animal world than the Chief Mouser to Cabinet Office. The honored cat wh...

Canili per cani super moderni

 di danielle il 06 giu 2014 |
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We wrote previously about the latest furniture for your moggy on the market – but there are great new and super chic hid...

Ottime letture per te e il tuo cane

 di simone il 05 giu 2014 |
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There’s not much better than curling up with a good book - except maybe if it's also with a cuddly dog and it's a great book about a lovable or heroic dog. Here’s a list of some feel-good, exciting, triumphant or funny reads to share with your dog.  ...
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