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Blog sulla benna per animali domestici

4 consigli e rimedi per proteggere i tuoi animali domestici dalle zecche

 di jaime il 18 giu 2014 |
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The icy-cold grip of winter has relented, and people across the US are getting outside to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine. You and your pets are not the only ones making a return to the great outdoors though. Ticks and all manner of blood-sucking...

PB Paws & Co. Tappeti per animali da tappezzeria, Schemi di compagni di gioco per cani

 di michelle il 16 giu 2014 |
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According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, approximately 10% of the American population is all...

Come svuotare la tua casa

 di jaime il 16 giu 2014 |
When your pet has fleas, the whole household has fleas, and it can be an incredibly frustrating experience to rid your h...

5 motivi per adottare un cane anziano

 di michelle il 14 giu 2014 |
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Senior dogs shouldn't have to live out their golden years in a shelter. Here are 5 reasons to consider adopting an older dog, besides that they're just as cute as younger ones! 1. You know what you're getting.  If you're not into surprises, adopting...

Fatti e cifre sorprendenti sugli animali domestici degli Stati Uniti - in tempo reale!

 di wai il 12 giu 2014 |
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Did you know, 48 new puppies and kittens are born every minute? Or 634 lbs of dog poo is generated every second? (That's...

Qual è il punteggio della tua cacca del tuo animale domestico?

 di wai il 16 giu 2014 |
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Does your pup’s poo resemble hard nuts or soft piles? While the occasional soft stool or bout of diarrhea is normal for ...

Come impedire al cane di masticare

 di jaime il 13 giu 2014 |
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Most dog owners are faced with the problem of controlling the way their dog chews. Regardless if the dog is inside the house or outside, they will feel the need to chew anything they find. Puppies also develop the habit of chewing everything they dis...

6 semplici modi per ridurre le palle di pelo del tuo gatto

 di jaime il 12 giu 2014 |
Cats are typically tidy animals that take pride in maintaining a neat appearance. Unfortunately, all of that licking usu...

Segni di filaria nei cani

 di jaime il 13 giu 2014 |
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Heartworm is caused by a dangerous organism called Dirofilaria immitis. This parasitic roundworm can be deadly to unprot...

Come proteggere il tuo animale domestico dalle zecche questa estate

 di jaime il 11 giu 2014 |
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Ticks are more than just a nuisance for dogs and cats. These troublesome parasites are powerful disease vectors as well, and they pose a danger to pets and pet parents alike. As you prepare for summertime fun with your pets, you need to take steps to...
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