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Blog sulla benna per animali domestici

Infezioni di gatti e vie urinarie

 di jaime il 14 lug 2014 |
Just like people, cats can suffer from uncomfortable urinary tract infections. It's very important to be aware of the causes and symptoms of these infections so that you can report them to your vet and seek assistance as soon as possible. Causes of ...

Fatti rapidi sulle dimensioni della lettiera per animali domestici

 di jaime il 13 lug 2014 |
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According to the ASPCA, there are more than 72 million dogs in American homes. When cats are added into the equation, th...

Decodifica della coda: che cosa sta dicendo il tuo cane?

 di jaime il 13 lug 2014 |
People often bemoan the complicated language barrier that exists between men and women. In this case, at least men and w...

Il cappotto di un gatto influisce sulla sua personalità?

 di jaime il 13 lug 2014 |
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We all like to think that our cat's are true individuals, with a personality all of their own. While this is mostly true, could it be possible that your cat's personality is affected by the colour of their coat? From one point of view it is quite log...

6 modi per intrattenere il tuo cane mentre sei al lavoro

 di michelle il 12 lug 2014 |
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Our canine companions depend on us for much of their entertainment. Even when you're not around, there are several ways ...

6 cose che puoi fare se il tuo gatto manca

 di michelle il 12 lug 2014 |
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Losing your cat can be a stressful and upsetting event for both you and your pet. The two most important things you need...

Come preparare il tuo cane per l'arrivo di un bambino

 di jaime il 12 lug 2014 |
If you are expecting a baby, congratulations! The next nine months are going to be full of discovery and lots of preparation. In between stocking up on diapers and decorating the baby's nursery - remember to turn your attention to your first baby, yo...

Diarrea e il tuo cane: cosa significa e come trattarlo

 di jaime il 11 lug 2014 |
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It's not always easy, being in charge of raising a dog. You are responsible for the well-being of another life form, but...

Come pulire correttamente i denti del tuo gatto

 di jaime il 11 lug 2014 |
There are a lot of details about your cat's health that you probably notice on a daily basis. If your kitty suddenly has...

Cosa dovresti dare da mangiare al tuo cane

 di jaime il 11 lug 2014 |
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As dog owners, we always want what's best for our loving pooches and their diet is no exception. Like humans, a healthy and balanced diet is crucial to a dog's health to promote optimum physicality and mental awareness. An enriching diet also keeps c...
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