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Dovresti considerare un dog sitter?

 di simone il 26 ago 2014 |
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Esercizio, gioco, stimolazione mentale e socializzazione sono importanti per il benessere, la salute e lo sviluppo del tuo cane. Queste attività riducono anche la noia, i comportamenti distruttivi e indesiderati come masticare mobili e abbaiare quando si è soli. Tuttavia...

Il tuo gatto è davvero letargico?

 di michelle il 27 ago 2014 |
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The average cat sleeps 15 hours a day, and that number is even higher for senior cats and kittens. However, if you notic...

Cani Con Malattia Di Viaggio

 di michelle il 25 ago 2014 |
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Just like humans, dogs can also suffer from travel or motion sickness. It’s likely that you found this out about your do...

Perché i cani masticano la loro lettiera?

 di danielle il 24 ago 2014 |
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You leave your dog for the day peacefully curled up asleep on their bed. When you return, it is as if it has snowed – white stuffing coats your lounge room and ripped fabric is spread all over the floor, only a scrap of your dog’s tattered bed left i...

Cibo per cani secco Eukanuba Puppy Lamb & Rice per razze piccole e medie

 di danielle il 24 ago 2014 |
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Strange as it may sound, some cats can suddenly start eating kitty litter. It is an oddity to be concerned about as it u...

Cosa fare se si tagliano le unghie del gatto

 di danielle il 23 ago 2014 |
Clipping a cat’s nails is no easy task. Keeping a struggling cat still while trying to get the clippers around the right...

Le abitudini piuttosto strane di cani e gatti

 di simone il 24 ago 2014 |
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All animals have unique personalities and accompanying quirks. There are particular habits, some of them very strange indeed, that are quite common in the world of cats and dogs.   Pooch peculiarities Circle work before sleeping Many dogs will turn ...

Quando i bambini dovrebbero essere ammessi a camminare da soli?

 di jaime il 23 ago 2014 |
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  Children absolutely love having a family dog around and no doubt are always keen to join you when you take your pal o...

Prendersi cura di un cane durante i fuochi d'artificio

 di jaime il 23 ago 2014 |
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  During any celebrations where fireworks are likely to be present, particularly on New Year's Eve and on the Fourth of...

Soffi cardiaci nei gatti

 di jaime il 22 ago 2014 |
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  What is a heart murmur? A heart murmur is an abnormal noise caused by turbulent blood flow within the heart or the large vessels exiting from the heart. It is usually picked up by a vet when they listen to your cat's heart. A heart murmur is a sy...
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