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Gli effetti collaterali del trattamento con parassiti Advantix

 di simone il 23 maggio 2014 |
Tutti conoscono il fastidio e l'angoscia che le pulci causano ai nostri amici canini e il pericolo di paralisi o morte che le zecche possono portare. Parassiti come pulci, zanzare, pidocchi, mosche della sabbia, mosche e zecche mordono diffondono la malattia quando mordono e succhiano il sangue, quindi è importante non solo ucciderli, ma anche impedire loro di mordere e nutrirsi in primo luogo. 

Advantix è un potente antiparassitario e preventivo che colpisce il sistema nervoso di questi brutti succhiasangue, paralizzando e uccidendoli. Advantix combina il principio attivo imidacloprid usato per controllare le pulci adulte e larvali nel trattamento di fiducia e popolare Vantaggio, con permetrina, uno dei piretroidi più efficaci - un tipo di insetticida che funziona anche come misura repellente o anti-alimentazione. 

Usato mensilmente, Advantix viene applicato direttamente sulla pelle del cane al collo, oppure per cani di grossa taglia il dosaggio viene distribuito su quattro punti lungo la schiena. La soluzione viene quindi distribuita attraverso le ghiandole oleifere del cane su tutta la pelle, coprendo l'intero corpo entro 24 ore per fornire settimane di protezione. Le pulci che circondano l'area di applicazione verranno uccise entro cinque minuti e la maggior parte delle pulci muore entro 12 ore. Advantix uccide ancora il 90% delle zecche dopo 28 giorni e fino al 95% delle zanzare viene respinto dal morso.

Advantix è stato sviluppato appositamente per i cani e non è destinato a gatti o altri animali. In effetti, è velenoso per i gatti e può essere fatale se ingerito. Ogni cane trattato deve essere separato dai gatti fino a quando la soluzione non si asciuga, nel caso in cui il gatto si sposi e lecchi l'area di applicazione. 

Non è solo disagio 

Le pulci sono la prima causa di malattie della pelle negli animali domestici. Oltre al prurito e all'aggravamento che scatenano, le infestazioni da pulci possono produrre arrossamenti, piaghe, pelle squamosa e odore per i cani. Le pulci trasmettono anche tenia e alcuni cani hanno dermatite allergica da pulci, una reazione allergica ai morsi delle pulci. 

Le malattie trasmesse da vettori canini o CVBD descrivono le malattie che vengono trasmesse attraverso i parassiti che alimentano il sangue. Quelli comuni includono la malattia di Lyme (forma di artrite) e borreliosi, bartonellosi, ehrlichiosi (attacchi dei globuli bianchi dell'ospite), babesiosi e anaplasmosis (attacchi dei globuli rossi dell'ospite), leishmaniosi (ulcere) e rickettsiosi (febbre maculata). Questi possono svilupparsi in gravi problemi di salute se non trattati. Funzionando anche come repellente, Advantix riduce il rischio di morso e alimentazione del parassita e quindi riduce il rischio di malattie per il cane.

Effetti collaterali


Advantix è un trattamento sicuro ma, proprio come noi, ogni cane ha una tolleranza individuale o sensibilità ai farmaci e può essere ipersensibile o allergico . Sebbene estremamente raro quando Advantix viene usato alla dose raccomandata, se il cane ha una reazione avversa consultare immediatamente il veterinario.

Non usare Advantix su cuccioli di età inferiore a sette settimane e parla con il veterinario prima di somministrarlo se stai già utilizzando altri prodotti per il controllo delle pulci e delle zecche o con cani anziani, medicati, malati e debilitati (in particolare quelli con malattie cardiache, epatiche o renali ). E ricorda, tieni Advantix lontano dagli occhi e dalla bocca del tuo cane ed è Sicuramente NON adatto ai gatti.

Irritazione della pelle

L'effetto collaterale più comune è una lieve irritazione della pelle nel punto di applicazione come arrossamento, prurito, scolorimento della pelle, eruzione cutanea, aspetto oleoso o perdita di capelli. Queste irritazioni sono di solito temporanee e possono anche placarsi dopo aver lavato il cane (Advantix è impermeabile da 48 ore dopo l'applicazione ma un bagno può alleviare qualsiasi irritazione). Tuttavia, se queste irritazioni peggiorano o persistono, consultare il veterinario. 

Effetti collaterali gravi

Gli effetti collaterali gravi con Advantix sono estremamente rari . Di seguito possono essere indicazioni di sovradosaggio / tossicità o una reazione allergica, quindi consultare immediatamente il veterinario se si nota uno di questi - 

  • Sbavatura: ciò può verificarsi se il cane lecca l'area di applicazione poiché Advantix ha un sapore amaro per scoraggiare l'ingestione, ma la sbavatura può anche derivare da un sovradosaggio o da una reazione allergica.
  • letargo
  • Un marcato aumento o diminuzione della temperatura corporea
  • Vomito o diarrea
  • incoordinazione
  • Eccitabilità
  • E quando ti rendi conto che i masticabili Drontal possono anche aiutare a curare la diarrea del tuo cane, sarai anche grato. Ogni masticabile è buono per trattare fino a 35 kg (77 libbre) del peso del tuo cane. Questo darà al tuo cane una scorta di 2 mesi.

La cosa più importante è seguire sempre le raccomandazioni sul dosaggio e le indicazioni sull'etichetta. Advantix è disponibile in diversi dosaggi a seconda del peso del tuo cane, quindi assicurati di usare quello corretto. Anche se è sicuro, parla con il veterinario se il tuo cane è incinta o sta allattando prima dell'uso. Advantix è anche impermeabile, quindi dopo 48 ore dall'applicazione puoi fare il bagno normalmente al tuo cane. Tuttavia, se il tuo cane è un vero amante dell'acqua, potrebbe essere necessaria una nuova applicazione entro il mese. 

Il trattamento mensile con Advantix manterrà il tuo cane libero da pulci, zecche, pidocchi, zanzare, sabbia e mosche pungenti. Non solo questi parassiti verranno uccisi, ma verrà loro impedito di mordere, nutrire e diffondere malattie. Sarai felice sapendo che il tuo cane è al sicuro, ma saranno ancora più felici con il loro stile di vita comodo, spensierato e ora prurito. 



John Harrell - Comment
John Harrell04 maggio 2018Reply
Il nostro laboratorio sta mangiando solo circa la metà del suo pasto normale dopo il trattamento con advantix. Potrebbe essere normale. Inoltre sono stati 90 gradi. Grazie
Hans mooser - Comment
Hans mooser31 maggio 2018Reply
Kann es sein, dass es bei der Einnahme (golden retriever, 5 Jahre alt )von advantix zu epileptischen oder ähnlichen Anfällen kommt? Ist meinem Hund Bobby vor zwei Tagen passiert. Er bekommt advantix seit 4 Jahren.
Maureen - Comment
Maureen09 giugno 2018Reply
Ho perso il mio cane oggi 08/06/2018 25 minuti dopo aver usato Advantix, è caduta, la sua testa era inclinata di lato, ha vomitato più volte, il veterinario ha detto che aveva problemi neurologici e dubita che fossero pulci e zecche meds.L'ho usato per anni senza problemi, questa volta è andata bene tutta la mattina finché non l'ho indossato, ho dovuto farla addormentare era così brutto. Non sono sicuro se Advantix o meno, ma per favore fai attenzione a usarlo qualsiasi di queste cose, stasera mi siedo qui con il cuore spezzato e vorrei non metterle mai addosso.
Susan - Comment
Susan08 Jul 2018Reply
I have a 5-6lb dog and I used the appropriate dose for her. A few hours after I put it on her she was panting a lot and then she was having twitching or little tremors and she won’t walk. Has anyone heard of this response from the advantix? Another dog was having issues too and was acting funny, hiding under the bed, and just not being herself,
Theresa  - Comment
Theresa 08 Jul 2018Reply
My dog had a similar reaction. He was itching/biting the application areas , twitching and not wanting to walk. After bringing him to the emergency vet & getting a dx Of luxating patella & bringing him to the regular vet for a follow up appointment and recommended X-ray, combined cost of $500, I just knew it was not the problem. I remembered that we had applied the K9 Advantix (which I did mention to the emergency vet) and started to research allergic reactions. The only remedy suggested was to wash the “pesticide” off my dog with Dawn dish soap. I did that immediately. I also called the vet and the manufacturer. My poor dog-if only I figured it out sooner & washed the poison off right away he wouldn’t have suffered so long. Good news is that after a few days (5) he was back to his old self.
Elisa - Comment
Elisa02 agosto 2018Reply
I used advantix on both my 10lb dogs. My older dog who was 6 , had a seizure and now has problems with coordination, and has fevers on and off. The seizure happened 2 years ago after the last dose of the season and she has never been the same since. My younger dog shook her head non stop for a whole week day and night !! :( and then it subsided to every 5 minutes for the next few days and then kept subsiding from there. It has been a horrible experience!! Of course Bayer takes no responsibility and says their product did not cause any of this. I will NEVER use their product again and it DID cause these adverse effects for my pets. I now want to warn other pet owners to stay away from this product, for the safety of your pets and all the vet bills that are enccurred afterwards.
Jen - Comment
Jen27 ottobre 2018Reply
I let the groomer use advantix on my dogs two days ago- for the first time ever. This morning, my 8 year old 12lb dog fell over and appeared to have a seizure. He slowly regained consciousness and his balance. After several hours, he seems better but still off. Our vet said to monitor him and that he most likely had a reaction to the spot on treatment. After reading the comments here, I realized my other dog has been shaking his head non-stop too! This will be the first and last time I ever use that poisonous treatment!
Jan Marie - Comment
Jan Marie29 dicembre 2019Reply
I used as a secondary flea treatment given 2 weeks after normal dose of Nex gard for per vet. I already bathed my lil dog and she minus fleas. I purchased the topical to assist with fleas when I walk with my dog around the neighborhood. Within a couple of hours after the application, Boo Boo (dog) started scratching, biting, licking almost non stop. I bathed again with her shampoo, and no relief. I put shirts on her to prevent skin irritation. and puncture. Contacted tele number from box for medical assistance. Informed to bathe Boo Boo again, this time with Dawn dish soap, lathering and massaging lather into skin for total of 3 times, rinsing after each app. Stated some dogs were sensitive to Permethrin-1 ingredient. Now days later problem still present. Contacted same dept. at Bayer on the 27th, first adviser was aloof, asked to speak with supervisor.. Informed now to apply vitamin E oil and cold compresses to application areas. If problem still continues, seek help from Vet. I do realize that animals just like humans can be more sensitive than others to various products. The assistance from Medical Staff area at Bayer is Sub Standard and so is the product. I hope this helps when others are considering applying this product to there dog..
Margot Selz - Comment
Margot Selz28 Jul 2020Reply
Gave Maggie 11 pound Yorkie K9 Advatixll. About 1to 2 hours she could not walk and started shaking like a leaf. I called 800 Number and followed Instruction to bath several times with Dawn and rinse well.. and take to Vet. She was at Vet for several hours and was dx with reaction to Advantix ll. Vet said she should be fine after 24 to 48 hours. The next day the Seizures started, her leggs stuck away from her body , took her to her reg Vet on Friday and he said she should be fine. She had problems walking and standing on Saturday and Sunday . Monday she had Seizures again .She again could not stand and I took her back to Emergency. She was resuscitated and is in the clinic now very sick.They could not promise me that she will survive this. The Bill so far is almost $4000.00. So far I had very good Customer Service from PetCo .I just hope she makes it through the night. .I am a mental wreck.I hope Bayer will be able to help me pay this bill.They did pay for the other two Vets. Thank you
Nancy - Comment
Nancy09 agosto 2020Reply
I gave my pom the appropriate does of the advantix 2 actually it was less that what was in the little tube, I compressed the tube when throwing it away and a big drop came out. Given Thursday morning, Friday morning agitated, yelping and trying to scratch at the area it was placed on his back. Gave him a bath to try and wash it off. Saturday still agitated, yelping and trying to get the the area it was placed. After reading all the posts, I threw the rest of the tubes away. This is very stressful watching my little guy go thru this.
T. J.  - Comment
T. J. 08 Nov 2020Reply
Damn I had no idea this treatment caused so many problems. I used it on my rotts for years but now have bullies. They have not had any severe reactions other than irtitation and scratching but I will no longer use it on any of my dogs. Good ol Bayer and typical of pharmaceutical companies, no accountability or consequences for the crap they dispense and deem safe.
L. M. F - Comment
L. M. F05 dicembre 2020Reply
We always suspected our 80lb dog was sensitive to Advantix. Usually on day 2 he would be moody and mopey. This time his reaction was really bad. Lots of panting, drooling, tremors, trying to hide, hold his head on an angle, easily startled and loss of balance. This is very scary. I pray he makes it through the night. Had I known his reaction would progress from mopey to this nightmare, I would have chanced ticks and fleas.
K.E.Q - Comment
K.E.Q05 dicembre 2020Reply
what happened with your dog?uu, i went to the vet yesterdaym she put it in my dog and now he is sad, he is scratching the zone and moving their ears, please help, i am nervous and worried about it.
GD - Comment
GD21 aprile 2021Reply
applied advantix 11 to my 10 wk old puppy today she started scratching then thru up started to get lethargic then she proceeded to spin in circles crying and fell out in a seizure i realize this had to be the advantix i washed her off and then ran her to the emergency vet and she had another seizure she is at vet now on IV and praying she is ok having bloodwork ran and contacted the company as well waiting to hear back but ready to take this as far as i have to especially after seeing all these poor dogs with same conditions.
Jojo - Comment
Jojo16 maggio 2021Reply
The vet prescribed 0.4ml Avantix for my 2 year old Pom who weighs 3.75kg. I applied the medication on his back and and he seemed OK during the first 6 hours post administration. Then the back twitching started! It started with short twitches which did not seem to cause him any discomfort. Then the following day, the back twitching was stronger and occurred about twice every 4 minutes and he seemed to be aware of this because he looked surprised each time it happened. I have washed him a pet shampoo (which contains: sodium hydroxide, sodium benzoate, linalool, cinnamal, sodium laureth sulfate, disodium EDTA) and I am waiting to see if the back twitching will stop. Should I wait for the medication to wear off or should I take him to the vet ASAP despite having washed him?
Apart from the back twitching, he is his usual self. The twitching also occurs when he is awake and just chilling. While asleep, the back does not twitch. Has this happened to anyone? What are your thoughts?
CH - Comment
CH16 maggio 2021Reply
This is what's been happening with my dog for the past 72h. I just washed her with dawn dish soap so I'm really hoping it stops soon :( I feel terrible. My vet did say her skin could twitch but not for how long. Let me know if you have an update!
Kim - Comment
Kim16 maggio 2021Reply
How long did the twitching last?
Susan - Comment
Susan29 ottobre 2022Reply
I did advantix 2 on my rottie yesterday she is throwing up and has had a few bouts of diarrhea and just keeps throwing up I washed it off of her so I’m hoping for the best
Ann - Comment
Ann08 Nov 2022Reply
I am wondering if any studies have been done to show that long term use of Advantix causes hind leg paralysis eventually? I have been using it because it kills mosquitos, too, but I am thinking I may need to stop because he is now (@ 8 years old) showing some muscle wasting on his hind leg. I used Advantix on a previous pet (large dog), and he did eventually show hind leg paralysis at 16 years old, and I just want to be sure that won't happen with this one if it is possible that paralysis could result from Advantix.
Mike - Comment
Mike01 marzo 2023Reply
Last three seasons we gave our lab appropriate dose. Once it caused a large legion. Now scarded with a bald spot. Hair hides it. We then started spreading it out in multiple spots. Last season at the end of season, we discovered lots of small scabs. Also it took us 3 years to realize allergies (which we initially thought it was food related) gradually got worse as the season went on. We won't be useing this product again.

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