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9 animali domestici sopravvivono a malapena alla settimana lavorativa

 di simone il 21 maggio 2014 |
1. Urrrggghhh, I hate Mondays.
2. Seriously next time you can do your own filing!
3. Someone's eaten my liver treats again. I labelled them and everything. 
4. I can't come in today, my paws feel like lead and I've had that many furballs. I just don't want to spread it around the office. 

5. Really Michael, this has to be the last time I show you how to order stationery and scratching posts.

6. Why is Patch always late? I mean, he's the one who called this meeting.

8. Why won't these accounts reconcile? For the love of Garfield whhhyyyyy!!

9. I just needed a quiet spot to clear my head for 10 minutes. 
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KatWrangler - Comment
KatWrangler22 maggio 2014Reply
I know how they feel :)

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